
Showing posts from June, 2018

Cheat Sheets for Little Johnny or Jamilah

Let's talk IEPs. It's coming to the time of year when parents and teachers are thinking about thinking about returning to school. In the social media world, families are once again beginning to share templates for cute little cheat-sheets that summarize the strengths and deficits of their kids with disabilities, listing the accommodations and teaching strategies that have been included in their children's IEPs. I know that teachers appreciate this. And I know that parents do this all the time. Such cheat sheets can be helpful. After all, teachers have a lot of children to teach. The children have many needs and the teacher is just one person. Teachers have countless IEPs and 504s, and it's a lot to handle. But, for a moment, imagine people in other professions making the same sort of statements. Imagine a surgeon saying that it's hard to keep track of the information about all of his or her patients. Imagine a sports coach saying that it's diffic...