The United States Has an I.D.E.A. Let's Use It.
There is a steady, measured campaign going to in this country to deny children of protections of their civil rights. A friend of mine recently posted on Facebook a link to a late-2017 WaPo article describing how the federal Department of Education rescinded 72 policy documents that outlined the rights of children with disabilities. It is now almost ten months later, and what's going on has gotten worse--IMO, much worse. Links to Obama-era documents, including documents about countering exclusionary discipline and mitigating the school-to-prison pipeline, have been removed from Department of Education websites. In addition, the federal Department of Education recently changed its policy regarding the investigation of alleged civil rights violations, saying that it was an unreasonable burden to investigate settings where multiple violations had been reported, and so those investigations are being dropped. As expressed by the New York Times, the "new protocol...allo...